Monday, December 22, 2014

Dark Chocolate Dipped Satsuma Oranges with Shredded Coconut

Yes, I realize I have taken a brief hiatus from blogging but it was what I needed to do for “me” at the moment. With teaching, consulting, clients, vacationing, settling into a new city, making my way through my first trimester (yeah!!!), etc., I just found the need to let the blogging go for a bit. But guess what? I’m now in my second trimester, it’s going to be a New Year in just over one week and most importantly…I really miss creating delicious, healthy and easy recipes in my kitchen.

So, without further adieu, I introduce to you the beautiful dark chocolate dipped satsumas! They look fancy but in reality, they will take you ten minutes to prepare. The best part, I swear they are better than any holiday cookie! YUM!

What is a Satsuma? A Satsuma is a member of the mandarin orange family, which also includes tangerines and clementines. They have a thick skin that practically falls off when you peel them, less pith than some citrus, less pulp and more sweet, melt-in-your-mouth goodness! These beauties deserve a category of their own.

Loaded with Vitamin C, these citrus babies are immune boosting, cancer fighting, skin glowing, and detoxifying. If you can find them, I highly encourage you to buy not one or two but ten of them!

3-4 Satsuma oranges (seedless mandarin oranges or clementines would also work)
1 cup of dark chocolate chips or chunks
Finely shredded coconut (unsweetened)

Peel the satsumas and separate the wedges. Line a baking sheet or large cutting board with parchment paper and set aside.

Use a double boiler (if you have one) to melt the chocolate. I don’t actually have a double boiler myself so I create one by using a saucepan and a smaller glass bowl. Fill the saucepan with water and then set the bowl on top so that the bottom of the bowl is submerged a few inches into the water. Continue to stir the chocolate chips until completely melted and creamy.

Set the glass bowl on a heat-safe counter top and begin dunking your satsumas. Continue to dunk away, setting your satsumas on to the lined pan as you finish them.

Sprinkle with coconut (optional) and cool in the refrigerator for approximately 5-10 minutes or until the chocolate has hardened.

Transfer your pretty little treats to a nice platter and voila! Eat, enjoy and be merry!