Monday, October 24, 2011

National Food Day

What is National Food Day? National Food Day is October 24, 2011 and for all the years to come. It is a day to unite as one, a day to raise awareness for the food that we consume. It is a day that allows us to push for healthy food that is grown and produced in a sustainable and humane manner. Food Day seeks to bring all people together: farmers, chefs, teachers, nutritionists, foodies, students, etc. to fight for a cause.

We are what we eat.

Each and every day we are given the freedom and power to choose what we eat. We decide what we put into our bodies. Our decisions directly impact the way that we feel. Do you feel tired and depleted of energy? Do you have trouble digesting the food that you eat? Do you suffer from the after-lunch food coma? Do you bruise easily? Do you suffer from headaches or migraines? These complaints can all be linked to the nutrients that you may or may not be getting from the food that you choose to consume. I challenge you to be mindful of what you are consuming. Does your diet consist of caffeine, sugar, white enriched flour, processed foods, etc.? Welcome to America. These are the things that are made accessible to us every single day. What about kale, sea vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, avocado, blueberries, mango? I would bet that these items are more difficult to find and may cost you more money than the bag of chips you buy during your lunch break. This is the problem and this is why National Food Day is so important. The bunch of kale is more expensive than the chips. The only way to make healthy food more affordable and accessible to all Americans is to make healthy, natural, organic food a priority in our lives.

I don’t know about you, but I choose organic, pesticide free. I choose apples, greens, and tomatoes that may have a few blemishes but they are pure. I choose eggs that come from chickens that get to click-cluck around large open areas. I choose fish that are wild and swim freely. I choose animals that are grass fed, free to roam, and not injected with hormones. There is a reason children develop earlier folks – added hormones! Food Day is not just about us as humans, but about the way we treat the animals we plan to eat, and the environment.

Local Food Day events are planned throughout the country this week. Please visit Food Day to find an event in your area. And last, but not least, I ask that you please be aware of how you feel, what you purchase, and what you choose to put into your body. Celebrate food!

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